I am very happy and so lucky to have a chance learning English in Sussex Institute at University Of Sussex. I am treated as student here. I have a student card that enable me to enter any buidings or take part in any programmes I want.
I can only follow English course one term. In fact there are three terms. I am not able to join all term because I have a limited financial resourse. So I'm making my efforts to brush up my English as I can as time I have. Most of my classmates took 3 terms. The end of this year so I have to take IELTS to continue my study in master. Because the certificate of English is main condition to apply it. This is my third weeks in my classes. Sometimes I am feeling worried, because I am afraid that I do not achieve my goal in English when I finish my English course. Imam Syafei had mentioned, in order to be a master in a field, we need a long time. However, with the moral support of my beloved wife, I must move on.
I can only follow English course one term. In fact there are three terms. I am not able to join all term because I have a limited financial resourse. So I'm making my efforts to brush up my English as I can as time I have. Most of my classmates took 3 terms. The end of this year so I have to take IELTS to continue my study in master. Because the certificate of English is main condition to apply it. This is my third weeks in my classes. Sometimes I am feeling worried, because I am afraid that I do not achieve my goal in English when I finish my English course. Imam Syafei had mentioned, in order to be a master in a field, we need a long time. However, with the moral support of my beloved wife, I must move on.