Sunday 10 May 2009

My Sweet Daughter got into Hospital

Last week, a day after my wife attended to Colloquium in London. The day my wife was in London, I brought my little daughter to go round University to have a rest and walk. The day was sunny but quite windy. So we were really cold but I just put my daughter a thin clothes. I really forgot to wear her jaket or pullover.

At the night, my daughter started to go down with influenza. We tought it was only a little flu. The next day at 7 pm, her cold was getting worst and she was all bunged up. She was difficult to breath. Her breathing produced sound. She looked like having hard to breath. We were given up. Finally I asked our neighbour who is arabic british that was born here. when they saw my daugther, they called ambulance straightway.

In Hospital, my daughter had several medical check. Doctor said that the phlegm was full in my daughter's throat, as a result she was difficult to breath. she was given medicines and treatment. If my daugther still was not getting worst, she should stay in the hospital untill she is fine. Al-Hamdullah. we were lucky, she was getting better.

Friday 1 May 2009

Having A Farewell Party With British Muslim

I was really happy, yesterday, I managed to have a farewell party that held by a Muslim British women that want to go to Algeria. All her family are really sad because of her going to Algeria. But she has to go because she wants to see her child that is absconded by her ex-husband. She got married with an algerian guy but they have alreay divorced.

Sometimes, I feel shy when I see the attitude of Muslim. In Islam, the right of looking after the children is given to the mother, not the father. In her case, the father is willing to abscond with his children and seperate them from their mother. This is not a Islamic way to deal with divorce problem. The prophet Muhammad has not taught a such way. Sometime Muslim people make their nafs as their guidance.

Thursday 30 April 2009

Islam And Tasawuf All Over The world

This is The Great Mufti Of Egypt
Last week, I was imformed that there was a couple of non-muslim were interested to asking about Islam. They would attend to Dyke Road Mosque and meet Imam of Mosque to listen a little bit about Islam. My Indonesian friend invite me to join this great event. I thought this event is rather common for many Imam in mosques in UK because it is their main job here. But for this was my first experience to see people in the way to approach to Islam. What do they feel?. What do they think about Islam before they convert to Islam?. What do they wonder about Islam.
In another side, I have beeb wondering about what will Imam tells about Islam. I was really excited to find out and I regarded it as a valuable experience.
There were a married couple and a women comes from France.The French women is a tutor in University Of Sussex. She is only about to study lifestyle of British Muslim who is their parent converted to Islam not to study Islam itself.
For the married couple, the wife that is about to find out about Islam. She said that she disgrees a lot with Christianity. She always question the right of Christianity. When she left Christianity, she felt released and relieved.

I managed to meet a Jew convert Islam years ago. I got a lot of information Jews. One of them, Many people are Jewish and pratise Jews. This is really new information I have ever heard.

Monday 20 April 2009

Did you know The Former Deputy Prime minister Of Britain

To the best my knowlegde Deputy Prime Minister is less known than Prime Minister. The picture below has three persons. Try guess which one is Deputy Prime Minister Of Britain?. Actually I haven't known Deputy Prime Minister Of Britain unless I read BBC News about it. Unfortunately all story is about his weakness.

Below I would try to explain it. First In BBC he is associated with a person who is a pugnacious and blunt-speaking. The pugnacity means someone who like to have an argument. If he is a teacher, he is called by pugnacious teacher. But he is a politician. So we can label him as pugnacious politicion.

In my country Malaysia, there has been group of primary school pupils who are really pugnacious with the other pupils. They don't want to listen to their teacher. They do everything they want regardless of the thing is right or wrong, breaking school rules or not.

Taking a rest in Weekend

Now each weekend I will go to Dyke Road Mosque. My brother will pick me up in my flat at University of Sussex. And then we do together by car.At the beginning we were about to go to Brighton Pier, but it was dissapointing because we didn't find a space to park our car.

During visit, I was able to meet my brother in law's flatmate. He is Sudanese. He has worked as lecterer in University of Abedeen, but he resigned early. Actually I don't know what is the reason, I didn't ask him. When I looked at her face while he commented about his job lecturer, he looked like really don't want anymore to work as lecturer in university.

In the evening, after asar prayer, we went to ShahJalal Mosque. At first we were excited to visit there. You know what happenned. The way of thier welcome was completely dissappointing. There were two man just went out from mosque. So we approched them, unfortunenately they didn't welcome us as like we were not available in front us. They didn't care about our coming. It seemed like our coming didn't valued for them. They showed their unwilling faces to welcome us. Anyway, we were happy to be able to reach in this mosque. I remembered mu Murobbi says " Our God is our goal. Your willingness is request". This is my principals in my journey to Allah.

Tuesday 14 April 2009


We had a wonderful journey to Birmingham. At the beginning, I don't want anymore to visit any cities in UK as I want to save money to travel around Euro. Eventually I decided to go Birmingham because of Dr Hafizul. He has been here for sixteen year. It is very long time. So I have been excited to meet him and his family. May be I can get a lot experience from him.

He is doing an expertise in children. He said that he can be a specialist and produces specialists. He is an ambitious person. He want to change medical system in Malaysia in particular Malaysian doctor's attitude toward patients. Some doctor in Malaysia has very bad attitude to their patients and very rude when give medical services. This occured in front of his eyes.

He had an experience when his mother got in hospital because of bleeding via her anus. His mother went to hospital to receive a treament. In Hospital, doctor who was in duty just said there was no serious disease and let his mother to go back home. It was only high boold pressure. When he was imformed that his mother got to hospital, so he called her, he was surprised why the doctor let his mother to go back home. What he knew that his mother has got serious disease. And then he called his friend in Seremban's hospital to check his mother. After that his friend comfirmed that his mother got quite a serious intentinal cancer. As a result of this, he feels that he has a lot to change in Malaysia.

From left ( Me, my wife Izzah, Madihah Dr Hafizul's sister in law, Dr Hafizul's wife, Dr Hafizal, Saifuddin my brother in law.

We spent times visiting Cadbury World. My wife is huge fan of chocolates. She really loves eating chocolates.

In front of Cadbury World's Building.

Wednesday 8 April 2009

New neighbour from Pakistan

This week we have new friend from Pakistan. Their flat is three doors from our flat. One day my wife wanted to go her lab, one guy went out from a flat and headed toward my wife. He asked my wife ?" are you Malaysian". My wife asnwered "Yes we are". He said that he is Phd candidate, doing research about Malaysia.

After a couple of days, my wife just tried to visit his wife if she was in flat, and then his wife invited us to have dinner in their flat. Actually We were happy to accept this invitation, but can't go in the night, as sometimes our daughter usually goes to sleep early. So we were invited to go at 6pm after Asar prayer.

During the visiting, we had wondeful chating with them. We exchanged a lot of information about our country. Amongts good information I wanted to share is he will do a Phd about Malaysia in terms of economy, politics and religion. His supervisor asked her to read about Al-Arqam, and Dr Mahathir's ideas. So I gave him a book about Madrasah Nurul Iman that may be a nice book to be read. He was really happy and said that he should go this place. The place I meant is Madrasah Nurul Iman.

He likes listening to mystical Sufism music. I saw him like he is pretty common in sufic lifestyle such as halaqah zikr.

Camping site in Pakistan. It is called by Kaghan.

One of the beautiful places in Pakistan.
The local name of K2 is Chogori, which in Balti language means, The King of Mountains. This name is little known to the outside world. It is therefore desirable, that, the present name - K2 is used: It is, however, beneficient to popularize the local name which so succinctly conveys the hugeness of this gigantic mountain. K2 has variously been described as the "awesome", "killer" and "savage" mountain. This is because of the massiveness of its size and some unsuccessful attempts, made upon it, by various expedition parties, including Americans who apperently have made quite a few attempts on it.
K2 is a rocky mountain climbing upto 6,000 m, beyond which, it becomes an ocean of snow. K2 peak is situated on the Pak-China border in the mighty Karakoram Region. The traditional route to its base camp goes from Skardu, which is linked with Islamabad by a fairly good road, as well as, by air. From Skardu the route goes via Shigar-Dassu-Askole upto Concordia over the Baltoro glacier. The exact height of the peak is 8,611 m/28,251 ft. However, some American magazines show its height as 8,760m/28,740ft which does not seem to be correct.
The below picture is Saiful Muluk Lake