We had a wonderful journey to Birmingham. At the beginning, I don't want anymore to visit any cities in UK as I want to save money to travel around Euro. Eventually I decided to go Birmingham because of Dr Hafizul. He has been here for sixteen year. It is very long time. So I have been excited to meet him and his family. May be I can get a lot experience from him.
He is doing an expertise in children. He said that he can be a specialist and produces specialists. He is an ambitious person. He want to change medical system in Malaysia in particular Malaysian doctor's attitude toward patients. Some doctor in Malaysia has very bad attitude to their patients and very rude when give medical services. This occured in front of his eyes.
He had an experience when his mother got in hospital because of bleeding via her anus. His mother went to hospital to receive a treament. In Hospital, doctor who was in duty just said there was no serious disease and let his mother to go back home. It was only high boold pressure. When he was imformed that his mother got to hospital, so he called her, he was surprised why the doctor let his mother to go back home. What he knew that his mother has got serious disease. And then he called his friend in Seremban's hospital to check his mother. After that his friend comfirmed that his mother got quite a serious intentinal cancer. As a result of this, he feels that he has a lot to change in Malaysia.
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