injustice Show phoneticsnoun [C or U]
(an example of) lack of fairness and lack of justice:--------1- ketidak adilan - dia selalu bercakap dgn lantang ketidak adilan - - ketidak adilan cukai tersebut - -----------2- hal, perkara yg tidak adil - - dia menganggapnya sebagai salah satu yg remeh yg tidak adil - -
............The sight of people suffering arouses a deep sense of injustice in her.
...........They were aware of the injustices of the system.
..........See also unjust.
violation Show phoneticsnoun [C or U]-------------1- pencabulan - mencabuli - sembarang pencabulan peraturan itu akan dihukum keras ---------------2- pencemaran - - pencemaran tempat2 suci
..........He claimed that the way he'd been treated was a gross violation of his civil/constitutional/human rights.
...........The takeover of the embassy constitutes a flagrant/blatant violation of international law.
..........It was clear that they had not acted in violation of the rules.----------1- mencabuli - mereka bertidk mencabuli perjanjian itu -
charter (OFFICIAL PAPER) Show phoneticsnoun [C]
a formal statement of the rights of a country's people, or of an organization or a particular social group, which is agreed by or demanded from a ruler or government:------------1 - piagam - piagam PBB - penerbangan carter [sewa]
............a charter of rights
................Education is one of the basic human rights written into the United Nations Charter.
.............The Government have produced a Citizen's/Parents'/Patients' Charter.
abuse (SPEECH)
abuse Show phoneticsnoun [C or U]
when someone uses or treats someone or something wrongly or badly, especially in a way that is to their own advantage------------1- penyalahgunaan [perbuatan ] penyalahgunaan kuasa -----------2- pensia-siaan - mensia - siakan - ------------3- amalan yg salah - - kita patut menghentikan amalan yg salah -------------4- penganiayaan - - penganiyaan kanak2 -[ penderaan ] -----------5- caci maki - dia serang ca maki isterinya - abuse (= wrong use) of privilege/power/someone's kindnes
............ssexual/physical/mental abuse (= bad treatment)
...........She claimed to have been a victim of child abuse (= the treatment of children in a bad, esp. sexual, way).
..........Drug and alcohol abuse (= Using these substances in a bad way) contributed to his early death.
insight Show phoneticsnoun [C or U] (the ability to have)
a clear, deep and sometimes sudden understanding of a complicated problem or situation:------------1- wawasan - - karya itu menunjukkan kilasan wawasan penulis ----------2- ahli politik pakatan rakyat mempunyai wawasan yg mendalam - - buku itu memberikan wawasan [pemahaman - pengeritan ] ttg pemikiran org melayu --------------3 - pemahaman - - pergertian - kebolehan utk melihat dgn akal kedalam sesuatu masaalah -
.............It was an interesting book, full of fascinating insights into human relationships.
feature (QUALITY)
feature (ARTICLE)
atrocity Show phoneticsnoun [C or U]
when someone does something extremely violent and shocking:---------------1- kekejaman - - kekejaman peperangan - - kekejaman pengawal FRU -
...........They're on trial for committing atrocities against the civilian population.
...........These people are guilty of acts of great atrocity (= cruelty).
cruelty Show phoneticsnoun [C or U]
cruel behaviour or a cruel action:
............The farmer was accused of cruelty to animals.
............Don't tease him about his weight - it's cruel.
............Children can be very cruel to each other.
holocaust Show phoneticsnoun [C]
1- a very large amount of destruction, especially by fire or heat, or the killing of very large numbers of people :-------------1- kemusnahan yg besar [ yg melibatkan kehilangan nyawa yg banyak ] terutamanya disebabkan oleh api atau peperangan -
A nuclear holocaust (= destruction caused by nuclear weapons) would leave few survivors.
2 - the Holocaust the killing of millions of Jews and others by the Nazis before and during the Second World War
Jew Show phoneticsnoun [C]
a member of a race of people whose traditional religion is Judaism:-------------1- yahudi - orang yahudi - -
...........Although my family is Jewish, we're not practising Jews (= actively involved in the religion).
Jewish Show phoneticsadjective
..............New York has one of the largest Jewish communities in the world.
Jewishness Show phoneticsnoun [U]
genocide Show phoneticsnoun [U]
the murder of a whole group of people, especially a whole nation, race or religious group:-----------1- penghapusan sesuatu bangsa atau kaum dgn cara pembunuhan beramai2 - -2- genosid - penghapusan bangsa - - panghapusan kaum -
..........victims of genocide
..........a genocidal war/regime
ruin Show phoneticsnoun-------------1- kehancuran - kebinasaan - kemusnahan - kehancuran - kehancuran segala harapan - - bencana itu membawa kehancuran dikawasan itu - - spekulasainya membawa kehancuran -----------------2- punca, kehancuran, kemusnahan , kebinasaan - - perjudian punca kehancurannya - - musim kemarau panjang ialah punca kemusnahan bagi petani
1- [U] when something is spoilt or destroyed:
.........The car accident meant the ruin of all her hopes.
........They let the palace fall into ruin
2 - [U] when a person or company loses all their money or their reputation:
.............Many companies are on the edge/brink/verge of ruin.
.............Alcohol was my ruin (= the thing that spoiled my life)
3 - [C] the broken parts that are left from an old building or town:
.............We visited a Roman ruin.
..............the ruins of the ancient city of Carthage
ash (POWDER) Show phoneticsnoun [U]
the soft grey or black powder that is left after a substance, especially tobacco, coal or wood, has burnt:
.........cigarette ash- [abu]
ashes Show phoneticsplural noun
what is left of something after it has been destroyed by fire, especially what is left of a human body after it has been burnt.------------1- runtuhan - robohan [puing] - sebuah bandar baru akan dibina di robohan bandar lama -
..........Her ashes were scattered at sea.
............Allied bombing left Dresden in ashes in 1945.
determination Show phoneticsnoun [U] FORMAL
the process of controlling, influencing or deciding something:
.............The determination of policy is not your business - your job is to implement it.
lay in ruins - musnah hancur dijilat api -
devastateddevastated Show phoneticsadjective
---------------1- memusnahkan - membinasakan - - banjir telah memusnakan seluruh kampung ---------------2- terkejut besar - - saya terkejut besar mendengar berita itu --------------3- hancuru - - luluh - hatinya hancur luluh disebabkan pengkhianatan lelaki itu -
1 - completely destroyed:
............Thousands of people have left their devastated villages and fled to the mountains.
2- very shocked and upset:
............She was utterly devastated when her husband died.
devastate verb [T] to cause great damage or suffering to (something or someone), or to violently destroy (a place)
..............Waves of corporate downsizing have devastated employee morale.
.............I was so devastated I was crying constantly.The town was devastated by a hurricane in 1928.
emerge (APPEAR) Show phoneticsverb [I]
1 to appear by coming out of something or out from behind something:-----------1- timbul - muncul - sebuah kapal muncul dari kabut itu - malam menjelang, binatang2 pun muncul ------------------2- timbul - muncul - keluar - terbit - - selepas penyiasatan muncul[lah] fakta2 ygmengerikan - - beberapa fakta2 yg menarik selepas kami buat penyelikdikan - ------------3- membebaskan diri - dia dapat bebaskan diri dari cubaan berat-
............She emerged from the sea, blue with cold.
2- to come to the end of a difficult period or experience:
............The Prince emerged unscathed from the scandal.
persecution Show phoneticsnoun [C or U]
---------------1- penyiksaan - penindasan - penganiyaan - - ramai para bangsawan perancis yg melarikan diri dari negeri tiu semasa penyiksaan terhadap golongan mereka - dia menderita kerana terseksa akibat kepercayaaan mereka -
..........They left the country out of fear of persecution.
..........refugees escaping from political persecution
slavery Show phoneticsnoun [U]
the activity of having slaves or the condition of being a slave:------------1- penghambaan - pengabdian - perbudakaan - dia berusaha dengan gigih utk menghapuskan penghambaan -
..............Slavery still exists in many parts of the world.
..............Millions of Africans were sold into slavery between the 17th and 19th centuries.---------1- dijual sebagai hamba -
horror Show phoneticsnoun1 [U] -
an extremely strong feeling of fear and shock, or the frightening and shocking character of something: --------------1- perasaan ngeri - gerun - takut amat sangat - tidak lupakan saat yg mengerikan - -----------2- [perkara] yg dahsyat - menakutkan - perkara2 yg dahsyat yg berkaintan dgn peperangan - -
-------------I then realized to my absolute horror, that I had forgotten the present.
............What the book does convey very successfully is the horror of war.
similar Show phoneticsadjective
looking or being almost, but not exactly, the same:
.......................My father and I have similar views on politics.
......................I bought some new shoes which are very similar to a pair I had before.
.................Paul is very similar in appearance to his brother.
uphold Show phoneticsverb [T]
upheld, upheld to defend or maintain a principle or law, or to state that a decision which has already been made, especially a legal one, is correct:---------------1- mendokong - - dia bersumpah berkhidmat kepada rakyat dan mendokong - - keperluan utk mendokong prinsip2 rukun negara -----------------2- mengesahkan - - mahkamah tinggi mengesahkan keputusan mahkamah rendah -
...............As a police officer you are expected to uphold the law whether you agree with it or not.
..............Judge Davis upheld the county court's decision.
protection Show phoneticsnoun [U]
1 the act of protecting or state of being protected---------------1- perlindungan - - anak beni itu memerlukan perlindungan dari hujan - ----------------2- pelindung - - tuhan adalah pelindung - - dia memakai kot yg tebal yg ada tutup kepala sebagai pelindung - dari angin - - wang perlindungan -
..................Their flimsy tent gave/offered little protection against the severe storm.
...................Round-the-clock police protection is given to all senior politicians.
................New legislation still does not offer adequate protection for many endangered species.
...............Always wear goggles as a protection for your eyes when using the machines.
...................The insurance policy provides protection (= will make a financial payment) in case of accidental loss of life or serious injury.
central (IMPORTANT) adjective main or important:
................a central role
..............Community involvement is central to our plan.
common (USUAL) Show phoneticsadjective
1 the same in a lot of places or for a lot of people:---------------1- sama - kita ada sama minat - - -------------2- bersama - utk kegunaan bersama - tanah ini milik bersama suami isteri - - --------------------3- umum - kerajaan mendakwa tindakan ini diambil adalah kebaikan umum - - perbualan umum -------------------4-[ amalan] biasa - sudah menjadi amalan biasa anak tidur bersama ibu bapanya - - -------------5- banyak terdapat - - pokok kelapa banyak terdapat - ---------------6- sering belaku - kemalangan sering berlaku di malaysia -
.............It's quite common to see couples who dress alike.
...............The surname 'Smith' is very common in Britain.
2 common courtesy/decency the basic level of politeness which you expect from someone
3 common knowledge - a fact that everyone knows
:[+ that] It's common knowledge that they live together.
liberty (FREEDOM) Show phoneticsnoun [U] FORMAL
the freedom to live as you wish or go where you want:---------------1- kebebasan - - ibu bapa sepatutnya beri kebebasan kepada anak sepatutnya -
..............For most citizens, liberty means the freedom to practise their religious or political beliefs.
.................Hundreds of political prisoners are to be given their liberty (= released from prison).
.....................Of the ten men who escaped this morning from Dartmoor Prison, only two are still at liberty (= free or not yet caught).-----------1- bebas - 2 banduan yg terlepas masih bebas -
detention Show phoneticsnoun
1 [U] when someone is officially detained:------------1- penahanan - - penahanan yg tidak sah ------------1- in detention - dalam tahanan - mati dalam tahanan - - kem tahanan - tempoh tahanan -
.......................Concern has been expressed about the death in detention of a number of political prisoners.
2 [C or U] a form of punishment in which school children are made to stay at school for a short time after classes have ended:
..............She's had four detentions this term.
widespread Show phoneticsadjective
existing or happening in many places and/or among many people:-------------------1- meluas - - kerosakan yg merebak [meluas ] akibat tibut - wabak itu merebak [meluas ] -- -- ketiadaan bahan api yg meluas melumpuhkan beberapa industri -
..................There are reports of widespread flooding in northern France.
........................Malnutrition in the region is widespread - affecting up to 78% of children under five years old.
.......................The campaign has received widespread support
put sth/sb forward (SUGGEST) phrasal verb [M] (US put sth/sb forth)
to state an idea or opinion, or to suggest a plan or person, for other people to consider:
................The proposals that you have put forward deserve serious consideration.
...............I wasn't convinced by any of the arguments that he put forward.
................Many suggestions have been put forward, but a decision is unlikely until after next year's general election.
....................The peace plan put forward last August has been revived for the latest round of negotiations.
.....................[R] She has decided to put her name/put herself forward as a candidate.
enshrine Show phoneticsverb [T usually + adverb or preposition] FORMAL
1 to contain or keep as if in a holy place:-----------1- menyemadikan - - bersemadi - - ingatan padanya akan bersemadi dalam sanubari kita -
...............Almost two and a half million war dead are enshrined at Yasukuni.
..............A lot of memories are enshrined in this photograph album.
2 be enshrined in sth -
f a political or social right is enshrined in something, it is protected by being included in it:
..............The right of freedom of speech is enshrined in law/in the constitution.
chair Show phoneticsverb [T] -------- mempengerusikan -
base sth on sth phrasal verb
If you base something on facts or ideas, you use those facts or ideas to develop it:
............The film is based on a short story by Thomas Mann.
............We based our decision on the facts in the report.
..................If you base a story, painting, or other work on something else, you use the other thing as the main idea for creating the story:
..............The book is based on the life of abolitionist John Brown.
............Would you like to chair tomorrow's meeting?
confront Show phoneticsverb [T]
to face, meet or deal with a difficult situation or person:---------------------1- menghadapi - - menghadapi masa hadapan dgn keazaman - --------------2- dikemukan - disuakan - - apabila disuakan dgn keterangan dia mengaku - -----------------3- berhadapan - - setiap kali saya berhadapan dgn mikrofon saya gugup -
...............As she left the court, she was confronted by angry crowds who tried to block her way.
...............It's an issue we'll have to confront at some point, no matter how unpleasant it is...
.................I thought I would remain calm, but when I was confronted with/by the TV camera, I became very nervous.
lofty Show phoneticsadjective
---------------1- tinggi mengawan - - gunung2 tinggi yg mengawan menjadi latarbelakang lukisannya -- siling gereja yg sangat tinggi ---------------2- tinggi dan murni - luhur - dia menpunyai cita2 yg tinggi lagi luhur - ----------------3- angkuh - sombong - - sikap yg angkuh pegawai saya sgt benci -
1 FORMAL high:...........a lofty ceiling/mountain/wall
2 FORMAL Lofty ideas etc. are of a high moral standard:.............lofty sentiments/ideals
3 DISAPPROVING If you have a lofty attitude etc., you act as if you think you are better than other people:.............a lofty attitude/air/tone
grand (SPLENDID)
grand (MONEY)
concert grand
prosperity Show phoneticsnoun [U]
the state of being successful and having a lot of money:--------------1- kemajuan - kemakmuran - kemajuan negeri itu bergantung kepada kilang sabun -
.....................A country's future prosperity depends, to an extent, upon the quality of education of its people.
..............The war was followed by a long period of peace and prosperity.
indivisible Show phoneticsadjective
not able to be separated from something else or into different parts:-------------1- yg tidak boleh dibahagikan - - suatu masa dahulu atom di percayai tidak boleh dibahagikan -
...............He regards e-commerce as an indivisible part of modern retail.
...............A country's language is indivisible from its culture.
addition Show phoneticsnoun [C or U]
........................In addition to his flat in London, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland.
.........................HUMOROUS I hear you're expecting a small addition to the family (= you are going to have a baby)!
monitor (WATCH) Show phoneticsverb [T] to watch and check a situation carefully for a period of time in order to discover something about it:----------------------1- mengawasi - - perkembangan kesihatan sedang diawasi -
...................The new findings suggest that women ought to monitor their cholesterol levels.
...............The CIA were monitoring (= secretly listening to) his phone calls.
grave (SERIOUS) Show phoneticsadjective
seriously bad:--------------------1- serius - hakim it kelihatan serius ketika membuat hukuman --------------2- berat - -teruk - meruncing - politik negara sdang menruncing - - tuduhan ini sgt serious - kesilapan yg teruk [seriuos] - - pesakit masik teruk -serious]
...............a grave situation
.................It was the gravest political crisis of his career.
breach (BROKEN PROMISE/RULE) Show phoneticsnoun [C]
an act of breaking a law, promise, agreement or relationship:--------------1- perlanggaran - melanggar - perlanggaran undang2 - - melanggar hak istimewa - - 3- --------------- mungkir janji - pecah amanah -
..................They felt that our discussions with other companies constituted a breach of/in our agreement.
..............He was sued for breach of contract.
..................There have been serious security breaches (= breaks in our security system).
gross (FAT)
gross (TOTAL)
gross (NUMBER)
----------1- kasar- - berat kasar - pendapatan kasar - -----------2- melampau - - ketidak adilan yg melampau - - kecuain yg melampau yg telah awak lakuka ------------2- gemuk - gedimpul - yg melampau - -----------4- hodoh -
bear on sth phrasal verb SLIGHTLY FORMAL
to be connected or related to; to influence:----------------1- mempengaruhi - - peristiwa di perak akan mempengaruhi dasar2 akan datang ---------------2- berkaitan - berhubung - bertalian dgn - - perayaan itu tidak berkaitan perkara yg seang dibincangkan ------------------3- membebani - - imflasi membebani kita semua -
.............I don't see how that information bears on this case.
............What you decide now could have a considerable bearing on your future.
..........A number of court cases that bear on women's rights will be coming up soon.
canter Show phoneticsverb [I]
If a horse canters, it moves at a quite fast but easy and comfortable speed:-----------------1- meligas - - kuda itu meligas ke tempat permulaan -
lethal Show phoneticsadjective
able to cause or causing death; extremely dangerous:-----------------1- yg boleh membawa maut - pada tangan orang yg tidak mahir senjata seperti ini boleh membawa maut ---------------2- berbahaya - perebutan kuasa yg selepas ini mungkin berbahaya -
................Three minutes after the fire started, the house was full of lethal fumes.
.......................In the car the police found guns, knives and other lethal weapons (= weapons which can kill).
................A 59-year-old man was executed by lethal injection (= by having a poisonous substance put into his body) this morning.
.......................INFORMAL That combination of tiredness and alcohol is lethal (= has a very bad effect).
random Show phoneticsadjective
happening, done or chosen by chance rather than according to a plan:-----------------1- rawak - rambang - buku ini di pilih secara rawak -
..............random checks/tests/attacks
..............We asked a random sample/selection of people what they thought.
fire (FLAMES)
fire (SHOOT)
fire (DISMISS)
fire (EXCITE
punitive Show phoneticsadjective
1 FORMAL intended as a punishment:--------------1- yg dimaksudkan utk menghukum - - sebagai hukuman - askar2 itu dihantar ke barisan hadapan sebagai hukuman -----------------2- membebankan - menyusahkan - kenaikan harga yang menyusahkan -
..............punitive action
.................The UN has imposed punitive sanctions on the invading country.
.............LEGAL She is suing the newspaper for $5 million punitive damages claiming they knew the article about her was untrue
raid Show phoneticsverb [T]---------------1- menyerang - - askar2 musuh menyerang kem kami ----------------2- menyerbu - - pihak polis menyerbu tempat persembunyian ketua gengster --------------3- curi buah
1 to attack a place suddenly:..............The nomads raided the enemy camp and captured over 100 camels.
2 to enter a place illegally and usually violently and steal from it:.......................The post office was raided late at night.
3 (of the police) to enter a place suddenly in order to find someone or something:..........................Police officers from the organized crime branch have raided solicitors' offices in central London.
mount (GET ON)
mount (GO UP)
mount (INCREASE)
mount (ORGANIZE)
mount (FIX)
mount (GUARD)
mount up
mount (ORGANIZE) Show phoneticsverb [T]
to organize and begin an activity or event:----------1- melancarkan - - kerajaan melancarkan kempen bahasa inggeris -----------------2- askar marin elancarkan serangan pada waktu subuh - mount an attack/campaign/challenge/protest mount an exhibition/display
prohibit Show phoneticsverb
1 [T often passive] to officially forbid something:
................Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving in the town centre.
..............The government introduced a law prohibiting tobacco advertisements on TV...
.............Parking is strictly prohibited between these gates.
prohibition Show phoneticsnoun [C or U]
1 when something is officially forbidden, or an order forbidding something:
.............London Transport has announced a prohibition on smoking on buses.
....................The environmental group is demanding a complete prohibition against the hunting of whales.
........................It's my feeling that the money spent on drug prohibition would be better spent on information and education.
wilful, US USUALLY willful Show phoneticsadjective
DISAPPROVING(of something bad) done intentionally or (of a person) determined to do exactly as you want, even if you know it is wrong:----------------1- disengajakan - pembunuhan yg disengajakan - - suatu pemusnahan yg disengajakan --------------------2- mengikut cara ssorg sendiri - semasa kana2 dia cenderung mengikut cara sendiri -
......................The present crisis is the result of years of wilful neglect by the council.
...............They eat huge quantities of sweet and fried foods, in wilful disregard of their health.
....................She developed into a wilful, difficult child.
reduced circumstances plural noun OLD-FASHIONED
a polite way to describe when someone is poorer than they once were:She claims she is a duchess living in reduced circumstances
circumstance Show phoneticsnoun
1 [C usually plural] a fact or event that makes a situation the way it is:-----------------1- keadaan - - dalam keadaan biasa , kami sudah mabil tindakan -- - kerajaan bertindak mengikut keadaanyg sesuai -- kami benar2 ingin tahu keadaan sekitar kematiannya - - dia mangsa keadaan ---------------------------2- keadaan hidup - keadaan hidup tidak membenarkan dia berkerja
................I think she coped very well under the circumstances.
................Obviously we can't deal with the problem until we know all the circumstances.
..................She died in suspicious circumstances.
................We oppose capital punishment in/under any circumstances.
..........................Under no circumstances should you (= You must not) approach the man.
..................The meeting has been cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control.
capture Show phoneticsverb [T]
--------------------1- tangkap - menangkap - menangkap ikan paus ---------------2- menawan - bandar itu ditawan selepas satu pertempuran singkat -----------------3- mengondol - pasukan saya mengondol semua hadiah ----------------1- menawan, menambat hati -memikat hati - kata2nya menawan hati -
...................Two of the soldiers were killed and the rest were captured.
.......................Rebel forces captured the city after a week-long battle.
the sick plural noun
people who are ill:............................It's better for the sick to be cared for at home rather than in hospital.
wounded Show phoneticsadjective
......................a wounded soldier
wound (INJURY) Show phoneticsnoun
[C]a damaged area of the body, such as a cut or hole in the skin or flesh made by a weapon:
commit (CRIME)
commit (PROMISE)
commit (SEND)
commit (CRIME) Show phoneticsverb [T]
-tt- to do something illegal or something that is considered wrong:--------------------1- melakukan - - melakukan pembunuhan --
.............He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit. commit adultery/murder commit an offence
accusation Show phoneticsnoun [C or U]
a statement saying that someone has done something morally wrong, illegal or unkind, or the fact of accusing someone:-----------------1- tuduhan - --------tuduhan melulu -----------------2- be under ' ----- ' menhadapi tuduhan -
..................You can't just make wild accusations like that!
..................He glared at me with an air of accusation.
....................[+ that] What do you say to the accusation that you are unfriendly and unhelpful?
mass (MATTER)
Black Mass
mass (LARGE AMOUNT) Show phoneticsnoun [S]
a large amount of something that has no particular shape or arrangement:-------------1- ramai2 besar-besaran - suntikan beramai2 di jalankan - - pembunuhan beramai - - pengebumian beramai2 -
.................The explosion reduced the church to a mass of rubble.
.....................The forest is a mass of colour in autumn.
safeguard Show phoneticsverb [T]
to protect something from harm:
........................The union safeguards the interests of all its members.
......................Judges have an obligation to safeguard our right to free speech and a free press.
homeless [Show phonetics]adjective [not gradable]
having no place to live
.................a homeless person
...............Accommodation needs to be found for thousands of homeless families.
the homeless plural noun
people who do not have a home, usually because they are poor
Friday, 6 February 2009
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