placement Show phoneticsnoun [C or U]
the temporary position or job someone has in an organization:------------1- perletakan - perletakan lampu yg tempat adalah penting dalam menghias ---------2- penempatan - jabatan pelajaran mengatur penempatan guru di sekolah - kejaan sedang menimbang utk menubuh agensi penempata bagi siswazah - -----------3- pekerjaan - dia bernasib baik kerana dapat kerja
............I think we can find a placement for you in the accounts department.
...........The trainee teachers do a school placement in the summer term.
form (SHAPE) Show phoneticsnoun [C]
the shape or appearance of something:-------------1- bentuk - syaitan muncul dalam bentuk manusia - - jambangan bunga yg berbagai bentuk
.............I could just about make out his sleeping form on the bed.
.............The moon highlighted the shadowy forms of the hills.
...............The lawn was laid out in the form of the figure eight.
devote sth to sth/sb phrasal verb
1 to give all of something, especially your time, effort or love, or yourself, to something you believe in or to a person:
...........He left government to devote more time to his family.
.............She has devoted all her energies/life to the care of homeless people.[R] At the age of 25, he decided to devote himself to God.
devoted Show phoneticsadjective
extremely loving and loyal:
.............a devoted fan/husband
.........Lucy is devoted to her cats
embark on/upon sth phrasal verb
to start something new or important:---------------1- memulakan - syarikat itu telah memulakan satu perniagaan baru - - kerajaan telah memulakan satu skim pencen -
.........We're embarking upon a new project later this year.
embark Show phoneticsverb [I] FORMAL
to go onto a ship: -------1- bertolak - menaiki kapal - kami mnaiki kapal pada pukul 5-00 ptg
..............We embarked at Liverpool for New York.
NOTE: The opposite is disembark.
finishing school noun [C]
a school or college where young women from rich families learn how to behave in high-class society --------1- sekolah seni lengkap diri -
take sth off (NOT WORK)
take off (SUCCEED)
take off (LEAVE)
take sb off (COPY)
take off (LEAVE) phrasal verb INFORMAL
to suddenly leave somewhere, usually without telling anyone that you are going:------------1 - melarikan diri -
...........When he saw me, he took off in the other direction.
take sth off (NOT WORK) phrasal verb
[M]to spend time away from your work: -----1- bercuti
............He took off two weeks in September
the limit noun [S]
1 - OLD-FASHIONED INFORMAL something that is very annoying or inconvenient: ---------1- - dah melampau - - kamu dah melampu, sudah berapa kali kamu lambat -
.........And now you're cutting your toenails in bed! - That really is the limit!
...........She was definitely driving over the limit.
hygiene Show phoneticsnoun [U]
the degree to which people keep themselves or their surroundings clean, especially to prevent disease:----------1- ilmu kesihatan - -------2- kebersihan - - kebersihan diri [personal]
............Poor standards of hygiene mean that the disease spreads fast. and hygiene regulations hygiene
culinary Show phoneticsadjective SLIGHTLY FORMAL
connected with cooking or kitchens:-------------1- masak memasak - - dia mahir dalam bidang masak- memasak -- jamuan makan malam memberi saya peluang utk menunjukkan kebolehan saya memasak - -------2- utk masakan - daun perasa utk masakan
............the culinary delights (= pleasant tasting food) of Beijing
.............My culinary skills are rather limited, I'm afraid (= I am not very good at cooking)!
or so INFORMALapproximately:
.........They raised two hundred pounds or so for charity.
hall of residence UK (plural halls of residence) noun [C] (US dormitory)
a college building where students live
imply Show phoneticsverb [T]
1 to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly:--------1- membayangkan - - kenyataannya membayangkan sokongannya terhadap keputusan itu - --------2- menyatakan sesuatu tapi tidak terang - apa yg kamu ingin bayangkan yg saya telah buat -
.........[+ (that)] Are you implying (that) I'm fat?
...........I'm not implying anything about your cooking, but could we eat out tonight?
viable Show phoneticsadjective
1 able to work as intended or able to succeed: -------------1- berdaya maju - - rancanga yg berdaya maju utk mengawal ekonomi - nampaknya tidak ada alternatif yg berdaya maju yg terbuka utk kita - ---------2- berdaya hidup - ketika berumur 7 tahun, janin telh berdaya hidup ---------------3- boleh berjalan dgn baik - menguntungkan - - mencari sumber tenaga yg boleh menguntungkan selain gas dan elektrik -
.............In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.
..........Solar power is now a viable alternative to oil-fired water heaters.
...........I am afraid your plan is not commercially/economically/financially/politically viable.
admission Show phoneticsnoun [C or U]
when someone is given permission to enter a place, or the money that you pay to enter a place:
.......................Admission to the exhibition will be by invitation only.
..........................How much do they charge for admission.
..........................The admission charge/fee is £2.
.......................There's a notice outside the building which says 'No admission before 12 noon'.
towards (MOVEMENT)
towards (RELATION)
towards (POSITION)
towards (PURPOSE)
towards (PURPOSE) Show phoneticspreposition (MAINLY US toward) MAINLY UK
for the purpose of buying or achieving something----------1- utk - bagi - - semua pendapatan akan digunakan utk kempen bebas kebulur - kami bercadang utk guna wang simpanan kami utk beli sebuah rumah -
............I'm saving up to buy a car, and Dad has given me some money towards it.
...........Would you like to make a contribution (= give some money) towards a present for Linda?
.............The work that students do during the term counts towards their final grade.
grant (MONEY) Show phoneticsnoun
[C]a sum of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a special purpose----------1- bantuan - - dia dapat,terima bantuan utk lanjutkan pelajaran - bantuan kerajaan itu digunakan utk bina sebuah perpustakaan baru -
......a student/research grant
..........a local authority/government grant
..........[+ to infinitive] They gave/awarded her a grant to study abroad for one year.
grant-maintained school Show phoneticsnoun [C] (ALSO GM school)
a school in the UK that receives its money directly from central rather than local government
middle class group noun [S] (ALSO the middle classes)
a social group that consists of well-educated people, such as doctors, lawyers, and teachers, who have good jobs and are neither very rich nor very poor:--------1- kelas menengah - kelas pertengahan - keluarga kelas pertengahan -
.......The upper middle class tend to go into business or the professions, becoming, for example, lawyers, doctors or accountants.
.......Compare lower class; upper class; working class.
middle-class Show phoneticsadjective
a middle-class suburb of New York
restrict Show phoneticsverb [T]
to limit the movements or actions of someone, or to limit something and reduce its size or prevent it from increasing:--------1- menghadkan - kerasa masalah kewangaan, pihak lembaga telah menghadkan bilangan peserta- -----------2- menyekat - [movement] - pembalut itu menyekat pergerakaannya -- masalah kesihatannaya telah menyekat aktiviti, kegiatanna sepanjang 2 tahun -
............measures to restrict the sale of alcohol
.............The government has restricted freedom of movement into and out of the country.
...........Having small children really restricts your social life.
.........See also restrict to.
entrance Show phoneticsnoun
4 - [U] the right to enter a place:-------------1- kemasukan - mereka tidak dibenarkan masuk kerana pakai selipar- [refuse entrance]
.............The management reserve the right to refuse entrance.
entrance Show phoneticsnoun
1- [C] a door, gate, etc. by which you can enter a building or place: pintu masuk -
...........There are two entrances - one at the front and one round the back.
See also enter (GO IN); entry (WAY IN). Compare exit.
lower (MOVE)
lower (REDUCE)
lower (MOVE) Show phoneticsverb [T]
to move something into a low position:----------1- turun - menurun - mengurangkan - dia enggan mengurang masa kerjanya-
............They lowered the coffin into the grave.
...............[R] Heavily pregnant by now, she lowered herself carefully into the chair.
..........He lowered his eyes (= looked down) in embarrassment when he saw me
redbrick Show phoneticsadjective [before noun]
describes any of the British universities built in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in cities such as Liverpool and Manchester, and not one of the older ones such as Oxford or Cambridge: ------------1- baru - universiti2 baru yang dibina di britan pada abad ke-19 dan awal 20 an-
...............Ben actually chose to go to a redbrick university because he didn't like the elitism of Oxford and Cambridge.
..............Compare Oxbridge.
tend (BE LIKELY)
tend (CARE)
tend to sb/sth
tend to sb/sth phrasal verb
to deal with the problems or needs of a person or thing: -------1- mengendalikan - ---------2- menguruskan - dia menguruskan prniagaan keluarga - ----------3- tend to be -- cenderung - pengubah2 muzik pada masa dahulu cenderung bersifat formal dalam pendekatan mereka terhadap muzik -
..........Would you mind waiting? I'm tending to another customer at the moment.
..........Nurses tended to the injured.
ground (AREA OF KNOWLEDGE) Show phoneticsnoun [U]
an area of knowledge or experience; a subject: -------------1- pokok perbicaraan - - perkara - penyarah itu mengulang perkara yg sama, tanpa masuk tajuk baru ----------2- alasan - sebab -- dia berhenti kerja atas alasan kesihatan--------3- topik - -----------4- dasar- mengasaskan - mendasarkan - ------------5- memberikan asas - guru itu memberikan asas kukuh dalam sains - diasaskan - teori ini diasaskan atas kajiannya -
...........When the conversation turns to politics he's on familiar ground (= he knows a lot about this subject).
............Once we'd found some common ground (= things we both knew about) we got on very well together.
.............The lectures covered a lot of ground (= included information on many different subjects).------- 1 - meliputi bnyk perkara-
...............I enjoyed her first novel, but I felt in the second she was going over the same ground (= dealing with the same area of experience).
mind (OPPOSE)
mind (THOUGHTS) Show phoneticsnoun [C]
2 -a very clever person: ---------1- bijak pandai - interlek - cendikiawan
She was one of the most brilliant minds of the last century.
turn out (HAPPEN)
turn sth out (PRODUCE)
turn out (GO)
turn sth out (EMPTY)
turn sb out (REMOVE)
turn sb out (DRESS)
turn sth out (PRODUCE) phrasal verb [M]
to produce or make something, often quickly or in large amounts:----------1- mengeluarkan - secepat kilang itu mengeluarkan kasut secepat itu ianya menjual - menghasilkan
...........They turn out thousands of these games every week.
...........American film studios turn out hundreds of films each year.
get (LOOK AT) Show phoneticsverb
[T not continuous] US gotten INFORMAL to look at or notice someone, and usually laugh at them:
.................Get him in his new clothes!
pecking order noun [C usually singular]
an informal social system in which some people or groups know they are more or less important than others: ----------1- [susunan] hierarki - tatatingkat - kita akan menemui susunan hierarki dalam hampir semua jabatan , organisasi , jabatan
..........There's a clearly established pecking order in this office.
.........He started as a clerk but gradually rose in the pecking order.
mature student UK noun [C]
(US older student, AUSTRALIAN ENGLISH mature age student)
a student at a college or university who is older than the usual age ---1- pelajar berumur -
opt Show phoneticsverb [I]
to make a choice, especially for one thing or possibility in preference to any others:-----------1- memilih - - dia memilih bidang tasawuf ---------2- memlilih utk tidak menyertai, terlibat - puan boleh pilih utk tidak menyertai insuran ini --
............Mike opted for early retirement.
.............[+ to infinitive] Most people opt to have the operation.
make a break (ALSO make the break)
to stop having a close relationship with someone, especially stop living with them, or to change a course of action that you have had for a long time:---------1- berhenti [berehat] - berhenti sekejap - kita sudah kerj a2 jam - kita berhenti sekejap - mencuba melepaskan, melarikan diri
...........You've been in your job for years - it's time you made a break.
...........When a relationship ends, it's often best to make a clean/complete break (= suddenly and completely stop seeing each other).
age group noun [C] (ALSO age range or age bracket)
people of a similar age, considered as a group:
...........51% of enquiries were from those in the 25 to 40 age group.
count (CONSIDER) verb [I or T]
to consider or be considered as:[R] I count myself fortunate to have had such a good education.
.........I've had three jobs in the last five years, but one of them was unpaid, so it doesn't count (= cannot be considered as a real job).
..........I've always counted Lucy among my closest friends. -------1- anggap - saya tidak lagi anggap dia sebagai abang saya
.........I didn't think his grudging remarks really counted as an apology.-----------1- di kira - dianggap
let sb/sth in phrasal verb [M]
to allow someone or something to enter:----------1- membenarkan nya masuk- jgn benarkan juru jual tu masuk ---------2- terima masuk - -
...........She opened the door and let me in.
...............These shoes are starting to let water in.
one (NUMBER)
one (SINGLE)
one (ONLY)
one (I OR ME)
adverb - ----1- dikatakan - wanita yg dikatakan isterinya -- dipercaya- - dirasakan -
.......Well, the tickets are supposedly in the mail.
feature (QUALITY)
feature (ARTICLE)
feature (QUALITY) Show phoneticsnoun
3 [C usually plural] one of the parts of someone's face that you notice when you look at them:--------------1- raut muka, wajah - lelaki yg mempunyai raut muka yg garang -
..............He has wonderful strong features.
......................regular (= even and attractive) features
..................Her eyes are her best feature.
2 [C] a part of a building or of an area of land:------------1- bentuk ciri alam -
.................a geographical feature
........................This tour takes in the area's best-known natural features, including the Gullfoss waterfall.
........................The most striking feature of the house was a huge two-storey room running the entire breadth and height of the building.
1 [C] a typical quality or an important part of something:-----------1- ciri - terumbu karang itu mempunyai ciri yg menarik di pantai -------------2 sifat- [ yg penting ] ciri - ciri2 istemewa kamu ini - -- walaupun ibu berbangsa cina tapi dia mewarisi raut muka orang jawa -----------------3- penampilan - adalah ciri utama -
...............The town's main features are its beautiful mosque and ancient marketplace.
.............Our latest model of phone has several new features.
.................A unique feature of these rock shelters was that they were dry.
expect (DEMAND) Show phoneticsverb [T]
to think that someone should behave in a particular way or do a particular thing:
....................I expect punctuality from my students.
........................[+ to infinitive] Borrowers are expected to (= should) return books on time.
(only) to be expected
normal and what usually happens:
..........................All parents of small children get tired. It's to be expected.
More than a quarter of the working population of the USA has one. Cairo, Bologna, and Paris have been offering them the longest. And you can now supposedly get them by sitting at home at a computer. What am I talking about? A university education, of course. So who goes to university and what do they get out of their experience?
Most universities don’t let just anyone in. Grades in the subjects you take in the final years of secondary education are what usually count and in many countries people also have to do an entry test. While most participants in higher education are in the 18-25 age-group, some people choose to take a break from work later
Which one to go to
In many countries there is a pecking order to the universities, with a few high status institutions at the top turning out an intellectual elite and attracting the best minds in teaching and research. Take a quick name check of the leading writers, politicians or scientists in the UK or the USA and you should find the majority chose to spend their student years sitting in the dining halls and libraries of Oxford and Cambridge or Harvard, Princeton and Yale. The training grounds for medicine, law or engineering in Britain tend to be the metropolitan ‘redbrick’ universities slightly lower down the list.
When entrance was restricted to a lucky few in Britain, the state actually paid the sons and daughters of the middle classes not only their tuition fees but also a yearly grant towards living expenses as well. These days most European and North American students are given a loan which they have to pay back to the government once they are in full-time employment, or they finance themselves by working their way through college with part- time jobs in the evenings or at weekends.
Where to live
For the majority of students, attending a university in a town or city near to where they live is the only financially viable option, but in Britain for many years going to university meant leaving home, with all the freedom and independence that implied. Universities traditionally offer cheap and clean accommodation in halls of residence or student houses. After a year or so, many students opt to share private rented accommodation outside the university, which often pushes their culinary and hygiene skills to the limit.
Year out
These days if you haven’t taken time off between finishing school and embarking on higher education, you haven’t really lived. The gap year can be devoted to working for charities in different parts of the world, or simply to travelling, but it can at least concentrate the mind and perhaps give you a few more ideas about what you should do with the rest of your life. If you want to study abroad, you can often get a year out as part of a language course, or enter a scholarship programme such as Erasmus to support you while studying at a foreign university. Business or management students often devote time away from university in the form of a work placement, to help them gain practical experience in a professional environment
Teaching & learning
A common feature of any university is attending lectures, which involves taking notes while a lecturer, a university teacher, is speaking to large group of students. In Britain, you are also expected to present a subject perhaps once a term and comment on it in tutorials. These are small group discussions led by a lecturer at which closer analysis of a particular area is undertaken. Science-oriented courses also involve practical lessons and field trips which enable students to get to grips with their chosen course of study in the laboratory or beyond the university walls.
Sunday, 1 February 2009
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